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Lista sa podacima aparata |
Model | WEI72S3 |
Ocenjen kapacitet u kg pamuka za standardni program za pamuk na 60 °C pri punom opterećenju ili program za pamuk na 40 °C pri punom opterećenju, šta god je manje. | 7,0 |
Energetski razred | A+++ |
weighted annual energy consumption (AEC ) in kWh per year, rounded up to the nearest integer; it shall be described as: ‘Energy consumption “X” kWh per year, based on 220 standard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60 °C and 40 °C at full and partial load, and the consumption of the low-power modes. Actual energy consumption will depend on how the appliance is used | 160 |
Potrošnja električne energija za standardni program (E t,60, E t,60½, E t,40½) [kWh] | 0,81 / 0,70 / 0,59 |
Potrošnja električne energije u isključenom stanju i u stanju mirovanja (W) | 0,30 / 0,30 |
weighted annual water consumption (AW C) in litres per year, rounded up to the nearest integer; it shall be described as: ‘Water consumption “X” litres per year, based on 220 standard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60 °C and 40 °C at full and partial load. Actual water consumption will depend on how the appliance is used. | 9586 |
spin-drying efficiency class determined in accordance with point 2 of Annex VI, expressed as ‘spin-drying efficiency class “X” on a scale from G (least efficient) to A (most efficient)’; this may be expressed by other means provided it is clear that the scale is from G (least efficient) to A (most efficient); | B |
Maksimalna brzina centrifuge (rpm) | 1200 |
Ostatak vlage (%) | 55 |
Standardni program pranja pamuka na 60°C i standardni program pranja pamuka na 40°C su standardni programi pranja na koje se odnose podaci navedeni na oznaci i u informacijskom listu. Ti programi namenjeni su za pranje normalno zaprljanog pamučnog veša i najefikasniji po pitanju kombinovane potrošnje energije i vode. |
Vreme trajanja programa za standardni program pranja pamuka na 60°C i 40°C pri punom i delimičnom opterećenju (60°C puno / 60°C ½ / 40°C ½) [min] | 214 / 175 / 171 |
Vreme trajanja stanja mirovanja (Tl)[min] | 5 |
Buka (db(A) re 1 pW) – Pranje / Centrifugiranje | 55 / 70 |
Ugradni aparat | No |