Fișa produsului
rated capacity in kg of cotton for the standard 60 °C cotton programme at full load or the 40 °C cotton programme at full load, whichever is the lower9,0
Clasa energeticaA+++
weighted annual energy consumption (AEC ) in kWh per year, rounded up to the nearest integer; it shall be described as: ‘Energy consumption “X” kWh per year, based on 220 standard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60 °C and 40 °C at full and partial load, and the consumption of the low-power modes. Actual energy consumption will depend on how the appliance is used217
Consum de energie pentru programele standard (bumbac 60°C cu incarcare completa, bumbac 60°C cu partiala, bumbac 40°C cu incarcare completa )[kWh]0,93 / 0,91 / 0,69
Consumul de energie in modul oprit si modul inactiv [W]0,50 / 1,00
weighted annual water consumption (AW C) in litres per year, rounded up to the nearest integer; it shall be described as: ‘Water consumption “X” litres per year, based on 220 standard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60 °C and 40 °C at full and partial load. Actual water consumption will depend on how the appliance is used.10560
spin-drying efficiency class determined in accordance with point 2 of Annex VI, expressed as ‘spin-drying efficiency class “X” on a scale from G (least efficient) to A (most efficient)’; this may be expressed by other means provided it is clear that the scale is from G (least efficient) to A (most efficient);C
Viteza maxima la centrifugare (rpm)1200
Umiditate ramasa (%)52
Programul "bumbac standard 60°C" si "bumbac standard 40°C" sunt programele la care se refera eticheta energetica si fisa produsului. Aceste programe sunt potrivite pentru spalarea rufelor cu un grad normal de murdarire si sunt programele cele mai eficiente din punct de vedere al consumului de energie si apa.
Durata programelor standard (bumbac 60°C cu incarcare completa, bumbac 60°C cu partiala, bumbac 40°C cu incarcare completa) [min]256 / 256 / 226
Durata modului inactiv de functionare[min]-
Nivelul zgomotului produs in timpul spalarii/stoarcerii (db(A) re 1 pW)58 / 77
Aparat incorporabilNu